Some people are weird, part elebenty-billion:
The wackadoodle Orly "outed" me on her blog. Don't go there. It's malware infested. Plus, she has no clue how to set up a website, so it's impossible to find. But yep, she successfully outed listeme.
Now, mind you, if you google listeme, my real name shows up four times in the first page of results. This must have taxed her little brain.
But that's not the weird part.
I have the famous "someone is wrong on the internet" xkcd comic printed out and taped on my desk. I've been known to stay up late a time or two to argue with just one more "wrong" person online. I like to think I change minds. Probably not, though.
Anyway, in my journeys, I found the birther fighting community. Some of the people I've been privileged to hang out with are seriously smart folks with seriously full heads of knowledge. My role in this community is to occasionally snark (I'm a lurker by nature, remember). The other four people she outed at the same time are SERIOUS falsehood fighters. I'm just a goofball hanging out on a forum. What made her pick me out of all the more "dangerous" folk?
But that's not the worst part!
Her researcher called my userpic a "doggie pic". What kind of moron doesn't recognize the greatest dog in the history of dogs?
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